As per Gregorian calendar, New Year is observed on 01 January. The celebrations of New Year starts on the eve of 31 December, it is the time when people celebrates last day of the current year and beginning of the New Year. As soon as clock strikes twelve at the midnight, people cut cakes and burst firecrackers, starts hugging and wishing each other ‘Happy New Year’ to give festive reception to the forthcoming year.
Each New Year brings hopes and promises of the year. People often make New Year’s resolution which includes promises, goals which they want to accomplish in the coming year. However, people fail to abide by their promises but the significance of adopting New Year Resolution remains the same.
People wear new clothes and clean their homes on the New Year’s Day. They usually exchange gifts and good wishes among their loved ones. New Year Gifts comprises of some daily items such as books, pens, dresses, purses etc. or it may incorporate cakes, flowers, chocolates etc.
Each New Year brings hopes and promises of the year. People often make New Year’s resolution which includes promises, goals which they want to accomplish in the coming year. However, people fail to abide by their promises but the significance of adopting New Year Resolution remains the same.
People wear new clothes and clean their homes on the New Year’s Day. They usually exchange gifts and good wishes among their loved ones. New Year Gifts comprises of some daily items such as books, pens, dresses, purses etc. or it may incorporate cakes, flowers, chocolates etc.